
MarketVision’s Allison Sovinsky Selected as Grant Recipient by QRCA

Blue Ash, OH - - MarketVision is pleased to announce Allyson Sovinsky has been selected as a recipient of this year’s QRCA Young Professionals Grant.

MarketVision’s Colleen Hennegan Co-Presenting with Cox Automotive at Corporate Researchers Conference

Blue Ash, OH - - MarketVision's Colleen Hennegan will be presenting with Cox Automotive at the Insights Association Corporate Researchers Conference in Orlando about proving the value of research with internal teams.

MarketVision’s Hennegan and Smith Presenting at Cincinnati AMA Event

Blue Ash, OH - - MarketVision's Colleen Hennegan and Brittany Smith will be headlining the Cincinnati AMA event on July 24th, sharing insights from research with Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.

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